About the Grotta Fund

​SAGE Eldercare’s virtual programming library has been made possible by a generous grant from The Grotta Fund for Senior Care, an advisory council fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ. The Grotta Fund provides support to organizations that improve the lives of older adults and their families.

​SAGE Eldercare is honored to partner with The Grotta Fund for Senior Care to create this virtual programming library to help reduce the social isolation that the ongoing pandemic has caused for the region’s vulnerable older adults and their caregivers.


Chair Exercise - Stretching the Body

This is a gentle practice of stretching the body starting from the head down to your toes. You’ll begin with a counting breath to expand the lungs. You’ll then do neck and shoulder stretches and spinal rotations to stimulate and nourish the nerves and muscles. Moving down to the hips, legs and feet where you will gently rotate the hips and ankles and do leg extensions and hip stretches. These movements will stimulate the nerves and work the ligaments and tissues in and around the joints and bones for better mobility.

Gentle Yoga - Stretching & Sun Salutations

This video will begin with some gentle warming up of the neck, arms and shoulders. We will focus on rotating and flexing the wrists. We will stretch the lower part of the body (Hips, legs and feet).We will introduce Sun Salutations – a series of simple flowing movements that are typically included in yoga classes. We will also explore Warrior 2 pose. We will end on a grounding meditation while repeating a healthy affirmation. Throughout the video we pause and focus on the breath.

Qi Gong and Stretches

Qi Gong is a form of exercise that helps with strength, stability, flexibility & balance. Qi Gong is a way to move the body in fluid movements that stimulate the nerves in and around the body and awaken our energy centers. The exercises have physical and emotional benefits. In this video, Rose will introduce a few Qi Gong movements and also warm up the body in various ways starting from the neck and ending at the toes. We end with a short meditation to center the mind.

Going on an Adventure

In this video we will do some breathwork, warm up the body and then pretend we are going on an adventure. We’ll incorporate exercises on our adventure such as rowing a boat and swimming. We will then venture on foot as we hike on some short trails using our arms and legs and do some rock climbing. All in fun and using our imagination while moving our bodies. The warmups are simple rotations, extensions and flexion of the neck, shoulders and spine as well as extension and flexion of the hips and legs.

Going to the Gym

In this Chair Exercise video, we will be begin with warming up the neck, spine and shoulders by doing gentle rotations and stretches. We will then pretend we are at ‘the Gym’ and do similar exercises one would on gym equipment but will use our own body weight and movement. These exercises will stretch and strengthen the chest and back, shoulders, arms and legs. We will move through ‘Sun Salutations’ which is a sequence of seated yoga poses. We will use the breath to guide our movements and do a grounding meditation at the end.

Guided Meditation - Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. It’s usually practiced lying down with a teacher guiding the session. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium (homeostasis) – the breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.

Guided Meditation for Inner Peace

This meditation will guide you through a journey inuiry in recognizing self -limiting beliefs and/or emotions and helps you to release them.  It encourages feelings of self-compassion and gentleness towards oneself in order to create space for inner calm and peace.

Guided Meditation - Body Scan Meditation

Body scanning involves paying attention to parts of the body and bodily sensations in a gradual sequence from feet to head. By mentally scanning yourself, you bring awareness to every single part of your body, noticing any sensations.


Pamm Wahlberg & Steve Lucas

Pamm Wahlberg & Steve Lucas “The Positivity Duo”, are a popular musical duo who perform for a wide range of audiences including: assisted living facilities, restaurants, fundraising events, political gatherings, concerts & more. They have partnered with a number of artists such as: Les Paul, Lou Pallo, Bucky Pizzarelli, Johnny Farina “Sleepwalk”, Al Caiola, Gene Cornish & Eddie Brigati “The Rascals”, Bobby Valli, JT Carter “The Crests” & many more. 
Pamm & Steve also write, arrange & record original music for television, cable & movies.

Jodi Keogan & Seth Weinstein

Jodi Keogan (vocalist) has performed in various venues from the United States to Italy, enchanting her audiences with Opera, Neopolitan Traditions and Broadway show time tunes. Jodi keeps up a rigorous schedule performing in Europe and the Bahamas.
Seth Weinstein (pianist/vocalist) is a pianist and composer of classical and theatrical music. He wrote the music for the Off- Broadway musical “How to Save the World and Find True Love in 90 minutes.” He also composed and recorded a piano suite inspired by the artworks of Marc Chagall.

Robert Ross and Alan Wilkov

Robert Ross is a two time NY Music Award winner and a NY Blues Hall Of Fame inductee who plays blues, jazz, and rock ‘n’ roll. Ross is the leader of the Robert Ross Band. Ross is also co-leader with Heidi “Heidi Ho” Rosenbaum of a duo called Ross ’n’ Rose that is a 2020 International Blues Challenge semi-finalist, and 2019 South Florida Blues Challenge winner. Johnny Winter recorded one of Robert’s original songs twice. Robert has backed up numerous blues legends including Big Joe Turner, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Otis Rush, Mama Thornton, Memphis Slim, and Brownie McGhee. Ross has 7 cd’s out in his own name.

Wendy Becker and Rik Howard

WENDY BECKER AND RIK HOWARD have performed together on films, television, and stages throughout the US. Wendy has performed in shows such as “Days of our Lives,” and “Porky’s,” as well as numerous commercials for products such as Toyota, MacDonald’s and Sizzler. Wendy has performed with Carol Channing, Carol Burnett and Barbra Streisand, and has been listed in Who’s Who in America. She holds a degree in music therapy and has experience as a music and drama director for children ages 5-18. Rik has written and performed for Coca-Cola, Nissan, Avon and Miller Beer, as well as TV shows such as “Silver Spoons” and “Punky Brewster.” He is president of Rik Howard Music, and his musicians perform for social and corporate events throughout the United States. Wendy and Rik have been on the MFAS roster since 2002.

Rhonda Denét

Enjoy the wonderful vocal talent of Rhonda Denét as she performs a collection here of jazz standards and soul classics that span 5 decades. You can sing along to hits from the “First Lady of Song”, Ella Fitzgerald and the “Queen of Soul”, Aretha Franklin. Rhonda also pays tribute to jazz greats, Billie Holiday, Dinah Washington, Nina Simone, and Nancy Wilson as well as soul divas Etta James, Martha Reeves, Mary Wells, and more. After sharing with you all who have influenced her, Rhonda will sing one of her originals! Through the music, the magic, and the message, there is something for everyone!

Kris Phipany

Today’s guest entertainer is Kris Phipany. Kris comes from Belvidere, NJ where she raised two sons with her husband of 35 years and has a 6-year-old granddaughter. Her show business past includes several years of acting, singing and dancing on the musical theater stage, and she has been specializing in senior events for the last 17 years. Kris found her niche performing for seniors, who are the most gracious audience and share her taste in music. She presents a variety of musical styles including standards, country, rock, folk, and show tunes. Kris is delighted to be with us and hopes you’ll want to sing out and share the joy of music and the memories it brings!

Amadi Azikiwe

Amadi Azikiwe is a native of New York City, and is currently Music Director of the Harlem Symphony Orchestra and Community Engagement Director of the Harlem Chamber Players.”As a violin/viola soloist, Mr. Azikiwe has performed throughout the United States. He has appeared at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Arts Alive Festival, as well as in Switzerland, China, Japan, Israel, Canada, and Nigeria.

Jackie Jones

We are so excited to include this video by SAGE’s very own Jackie Jones who is a member of our Spend-A-Day team.

Jackie has performed for audiences throughout the United States, as well as Switzerland, Russia, Germany and Portugal.

She is a graduate of Rutgers University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and is currently teaching Jazz Voice at NJPAC.

For more info you can visit Jackie’s website at JackieJones.com


Have You Had The Conversation? A Discussion with Faith Leaders from Summit, NJ

An important discussion with faith leaders from Summit, NJ about your healthcare wishes and end of life decision making


  • Reverend Emilie Boggis, Beacon Universalist Congregation
  • Rabbi Avi Friedman, Congregation Ohr Shalom
  • Reverend Charles Rush, Christ Church
  • Reverend Vernon Williams, Fountain Baptist Church
  • Nina Tiger, Your Decisions Matter, SAGE Eldercare

Sponsored by SAGE, Your Decisions Matter is a community initiative funded by Atlantic Health System’s Chilton and Overlook Medical Centers’ Community Advisory Boards. 

Your Decisions Matter encourages all of us to talk about what matters in our individual healthcare, ideally before a medical crisis occurs.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Facebook Live with Tony Dearing and Michelle Papka, Ph. D.

Director of The CRCNJ Michelle Papka, Ph.D. makes a guest appearance on Tony Dearing’s Facebook Live. This episode focuses on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): diagnoses, contributing factors, cognitive testing and how to access specialized care.