With facts and information constantly changing, it is hard to keep up with what is in and what is out in terms of older adult support. To combat this, SAGE offers an educational program year round. Courses are open to the public (normally for free) and are designed to help educate and provide resources to caregivers, their loved ones and community members who want to further their knowledge about the elderly.
SAGE teams with many of its professional partners in the community to come in and speak at SAGE.
Some of our more popular programs include:
- Self defense
- Living options as we age
- Memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Veteran’s benefits
- Driving safety
- Controlling diabetes
- Financial planning
- Senior nutrition
- Finding happiness at every age
- Scam prevention
- Health care decision making
- Teaching digital communication (texting, facetime, Zoom etc)
We offer a variety of exercise classes designed specifically for older adults. They include Fun-to-be-Fit, Gentle Chair Yoga and Tai Chi. All classes are open to the public to anyone age 60 and older. Exercise programs are designed with a gentle approach for all fitness levels to improve strength, flexibility and overall conditioning in an effort to prefect falls.
Classes can also be downloaded and enjoyed from our Grotta Virtual Library.
- There are no upcoming events.