Judy Bortman

Judy Bortman, Marketing Specialist at TransOptions

SAGE will offer a free “Walking Wisdom and Pedestrian Safety Tips” presentation on September 14, 1-2 pm.


Led by Judy Bortman of TransOptions, the presentation will highlight practical walking tips and ways to be alert, visible, and safe pedestrians. “Knowing how to stay safe, combined with the benefits of walking, can help seniors remain independent and mobile, and enhance their overall well-being,” Bortman said.


Bortman is a longstanding advocate for pedestrian safety and senior driving.  Her company, TransOptions, is a non-profit transportation consultancy that delivers programs and services that improve mobility, the environment, and overall quality of life in northwest New Jersey.


To register for “Walking Wisdom and Pedestrian Safety,” please call: 908.598.5548 or email: education@sageeldercare.temp312.kinsta.cloud.

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