Are you planning to host a holiday dinner this coming fall? Perhaps you have a chair that needs a little TLC so you can seat all of your guests and you don’t know where to take it for repairs. Look no further than SAGE Eldercare’s Furniture Restoration Workshop in Summit.

Established in 1961, SAGE’s Furniture Restoration Workshop is located on the lower level of 290 Broad Street in Summit and is staffed by expert volunteer artisans. It is one of the few places in the state that you can take your chair to have it recaned. They also handle rushing and seat cover replacements, as well as basic sanding, staining, reconstruction, and repairs.

Chair caning and rush seat weaving are all terms for different designs and techniques used in the process of weaving the seat of a chair. The 7-step method of hand chair caning is often tedious and time-consuming, but when completed, the seat is strong and durable. It can take 40-50 hours to complete the weaving process for one chair.

“Many people are thrilled to find out that we can fix their chairs. Not that many shops have the knowledge of these trades anymore and we can help bring new life to chairs that are often passed down from one generation to the next,” stated Al Kessler, Manager of SAGE’s Furniture Restoration Workshop. “What also makes our workshop truly unique is that our workshop is run primarily by volunteers who come in a few mornings each week to help give back to older adults and caregivers in the community by repairing furniture.”

When customers come to the workshop with their items for repair, SAGE will provide an estimate and completion date for the furniture. The benefit to bringing the items to SAGE is that the pricing is competitive and 100% of the proceeds benefit SAGE’s fourteen programs and services for local seniors and their caregivers. In addition to the workshop, SAGE Resale Shop, a thrift store located at 31B Chatham Road in Summit, has been in existence for more than 50 years and also provides essential funding for the organization.

For more information on furniture repairs, call 908.598.5531 between the hours of 8:30 am to 11:30 am, Monday through Friday, or bring your item to 290 Broad Street in Summit.

Since 1954, SAGE Eldercare has been helping make the communities it serves an amazing place to age.  The organization provides a wide array of information, support, and services designed to help individuals lead the most independent and active lives possible.  From helping with errands, to exercise classes, community programs, care planning, and home health care, SAGE’s expertise helps older adults remain independent in their own homes.  SAGE is committed to being the leading provider of programs and services to meet the changing needs of older adults, their families, and caregivers throughout Union, Essex, Morris, and Somerset Counties.  For more information, please call 908.273.5550 or visit

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Furniture Restoration Workshop Photo Caption: If you have a wobbly chair or table that needs to be repaired in time for the holidays, look no further than SAGE Eldercare’s Furniture Restoration Workshop in Summit. Pictured, volunteer Teri Lusty of Summit works on recaning a chair. Proceeds from the workshop benefit programs and services for older adults and caregivers in the surrounding communities. The workshop is located on the lower level of SAGE Eldercare’s building at 290 Broad Street in Summit and is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, with drop-offs being accepted until 4:30 pm with SAGE’s receptionist. For more information, call 908.598.5531 or visit

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